Parents of ISIS captive Kayla Mueller believe daughter may still be alive: ‘That 1 percent chance is still ... - Fox News

  1. Parents of ISIS captive Kayla Mueller believe daughter may still be alive: ‘That 1 percent chance is still ...  Fox News
  2. ISIS victim Kayla Mueller's parents on al-Baghdadi: We're glad that the 'evil person is gone'  NBC News
  3. Kayla Mueller’s parents insist she could still be ALIVE and ISIS may have faked her death in Syria bomb raid  The Sun
  4. Kayla Mueller's father glad that 'evil' ISIS leader al-Baghdadi 'is gone'  New York Post
  5. Joey Jones: ISIS leader 'died a coward's death' and all Americans should celebrate  Fox News
  6. View full coverage on Google News


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